XIVth Congress of the International Association of Occitan Studies

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Thursday, 14 September 2023

9 h - 10 h

Auditorium B 001

Chair: Francisco Calvo del Olmo

Matteo Rivoira (Torino) : L'occitan alpin : unité et variation d'une variété périphérique

10 h - 10.30 h

Entrance Hall B 080

Coffee break

10.30 h - 12 h

Room 115 (first floor)

Section 1 : Literature and religion 3

Session chair: Maria-Reina Bastardas Rufat

Room 123 (first floor)

Section 2 : The trobadors in verse and music

Session chair: Camilla Talfani

Room 027 (ground floor)

Section 3 : Legislation and language uses

Session chair: Daniela Müller

12 h - 13.30 h Lunch break
Option (12 h - 13 h): Visite à la Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cabinet des manuscrits (en français)

For our planning purposes, we kindly ask you to register for this part of the programme. Please use the following link to register (in French): Inscription (gratuite)

n.b.: the manuscript room only accepts 20 people at a time, because otherwise the climatic conditions in the room are no longer favourable for codices. There will therefore be a second visit on Friday 15 September, from 11:00 to 12:00, with the same programme.

The distribution between the two dates will be organised during the first days of the congress.

Thank you very much for your understanding!

13.30 h - 15 h

Room 115 (first floor)

Section 1 : Literature and knowledge 1

Session chair: Naohiko Seto

Room 123 (first floor)

Section 2 : Morphosyntax 1

Session chair: Guido Mensching

Room 027 (ground floor)

Section 3 : Contemporary literature

Session chair: Joëlle Ginestet

15 h - 15.30 h

Entrance Hall B 080

Coffee break

15.30 h - 17 h

Room 115 (first floor)

Section 1 : Narrative traditions

Session chair: Miriam Cabré Ollé

Room 123 (first floor)

Section 2 : Morphosyntax 2

Session chair: Barbara Wehr

Room 027 (ground floor)

Section 3 : The foundations of Occitan sociolinguistics

Session chair: Arvèi Lieutard

17 h - 18.45 h

Auditorium B 001

Round table : Robert Lafont (1923 - 2009)

Organisation : Philippe Martel (Montpellier)

Online intervention: Fausta Garavini

Discussion : James Costa (Paris), Jean-François Courouau (Toulouse), Georg Kremnitz (Wien)

Musical contribution (online): Eric Fraj

19 h

Young researchers : Get-together at the Biergarten am Chinesischen Turm with Nicolas Peyrou (meeting place in front of the building at Oettingenstraße 67)

19.30 h

Meeting of the CA of the AIEO

CA members only.